SUpport the stage 3 of the sunnyvale community centre!

Yes, we are still seeking donations to support the ongoing work to make our community centre a success.



Personal donations of $100 (we welcome 10x$10 monthly donations if that works better) are needed now.  Donors will have their name displayed on our “brick wall” inside the community centre.

The donations account is 03-0903-0384391-03 and please include your name and phone number as references.

Download a bank automatic payment form below if required:


BUsiness donations

Business donations of $1,000 (we welcome 10x$100 monthly donations also) are needed now.  Businesses will have their name displayed on our “brick wall” inside the community centre.

The donations account is 03-0903-0384391-03 and please include your name and phone number as references.

Download a bank automatic payment form below if required:


We’re thankful to our “Friends of the centre” who have provided grants and other funding

These amazing organisations include:

  • NZ Lottery Grants Board
  • Dunedin City Council
  • Otago Community Trust
  • Fulton Hogan